

The training course in this week is different from the former one. We did not only have the Indonesian Language training curriculum, but we got a lot of valuable information about the conditions of the Aceh and Medan city.


In the beginning, Juno arranged an Indonesian Language exam for us. As for the progress of the Indonesian Language course, we entered the new chapter – getting to know you. In addition to getting a lot of vocabulary, we also had learned several sentences about how to talk with the Indonesian.

經過一個星期的努力,Juno老師要來驗收我們印尼語的學習成果囉!因此,先來個印尼語小測驗吧!Bisa kita berbicara behasa Indonesia !!

這個星期的印尼語課程進入了第三章--getting to know you,在這一個章節裡我們學到了一些問候別人的句子,除此之外,當然也學到了更多的印尼語字彙。這個星期的印尼語課程進入了第三章--getting to know you,在今天的印尼語課程裡我們學會了一些問候別人的句子,並且也學到了更多的印尼語字彙。

After the Indonesian Language learning course, Ima, Risma and Hendri introduced us the conditions about the Aceh and Medan including the history, culture, religions, specific rituals, educational system, and ancient monuments. This news indeed made us understand further about the Ache and Medan.

Bagaimana kabar anda?還沉浸在印尼語教學中嗎?換個節目吧!你想更深入認識亞齊和棉蘭嗎?那你就要仔細的聽Ima, Risma和Hendri對亞齊和棉蘭的介紹喔!

At last, the Kerwin demonstrated some BlogSpot tips and reminded us of something needs to pay attention when using the BlogSpot.


Tonight, we learned several Indonesian vocabulary and sentences. The reports of Ima, Risma and Hendri also widened our knowledge about the Aceh and Medan. We indeed got the substantial training course tonight.


印尼語第三課-Getting to know you
E-Mate08:Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Review,Risma
E-Mate08:Education System of Aceh,Ima
E-Mate08:Medan City Review,江漢銓

1 意見:

Kerwin.Cheng said...
