
印尼服務心得-1 by GG

志工。而在此行的服務我負責的項目是教導印尼當地的學員使用Blogger的部落格系統,出團前的試教過程,我只能不斷的猜想,他們是否都已經擁有部落格,我教的東西是不是真的符合他們的需求, 因為許多的不確定性,讓我在出團前一直感到不安跟徬徨。到了印尼過後,一直聽說WORKSHOP的地區網路跟電力可能非常的不穩定,也讓我的課程多了一樣需要擔心考慮的地方。

  帶著一切不安的情緒來到要站上講台教課的這天,擔心的事情發生了,因為接連幾天的午後雷陣雨導致網路不穩定,流量一直保持在低的狀態之下,只好讓備案組的團員先行幫我填補等待網路修復的課程時間,索性在短暫的時間過後,可以順利的開始我的Blogger教學。以為不會再有任何的狀況發生,可是沒想到學員電腦的程度不一,有的擁有自己的Email 、Facebook帳號等,但是有的學員卻連滑鼠都不會使用,於是造成此次課程困難度的提升,從一開始請學員們申請Email帳號開始就是一項極大的工程,讓我覺得本來是很快就可以完成的步驟,整整拖過預期時間的好幾倍長,也讓許多同團的夥伴以及亞齊、白象大學的學生們放下手邊的工作來幫忙學員們盡速完成申請Email,非常的感謝所有的夥伴們,得以讓接下來的課程持續進行下去,順利完成。



  “Is IT volunteer really helpful to the local people in Indonesia?” This was a question in my mind after I joined the group, E-mate. In my collage life, I participated in many volunteer activities, but most services are for the youth of under protective custody. I held summer camps or provided subsidiary courses for them. I never thought I could be a IT volunteer to help other to reduce the digital divide before I joined E-mate.

  In this service, I was responsible for the project to teach local students in Indonesia using Blogger. When I tried to teach my course before going to Indonesia, I could only guess that whether they already have a blog or not and what I wanted to teach really meet their needs. Because of many uncertain situations, make me feel curiosity and worry. Even after we got To Indonesia, we heard that there were many problems about electricity and Internet in the area of workshop. And these problems made me worry about more edges.

  With unrest until I stood to the podium to teach my course. The thing which I worried about happened. Because the successive days of afternoon thunderstorms lead to network instability, I had to let backup course first to help me to fill the time waiting for network. Fortunately, in a short time I could restart teaching Blogger. I thought that nothing got wrong anymore, but I did not expect that students with varying degrees of computer. Some of them have their own Email, Facebook account and so on, but some students had never used mouse before. Thus it’s much harder to teach the course. From the start, it’s just a huge project to help participants to apply Email accounts. Originally I thought this step could be completed very soon, but students spent more over several times time than I expected. So, most of Emate members, Pelita members, and unsiya students put their work away to help participants to finish applying email accounts as soon as possible. I appreciated all partners that made me continue my Blogger teaching and complete it successfully.
  In the beginning, I thought my course wouldn’t be needed. But in the end of course I saw all the students have their own email and blog I felt that they may really got something. I also hope that they can continue to use the blog and use the blog to do digital archive or share things with the whole world.

  This month in Indonesia, it seemed that we took some IT knowledge to teach them, but in my mind, we are more like exchanges. We share our learning in Taiwan like free software and the knowledge of conservation, and they let us know what cheerful optimism is, and how to make friends by true heart. Let us have more than we give. From we knew nothing before going to Indonesia to we learned and grew in Indonesia and finally we recall the memories when we return to Taiwan, it’s the best description saying the international volunteer service is worthy and meaningful.

                                by  駒祥  GG

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