
印尼服務心得-8 by Angie




就這樣,在對於當地許多事情都懵懵懂懂、不甚清楚,或是從旁人、前輩、學長姐口中獲得資訊的情況下,我們不停地想像、推測自己能夠帶給印尼當地學生與教師一些甚麼?我們能夠做到的有甚麼?而時間也在這樣的不確定情形,以及對於印尼的許多未知數中,馬不停蹄地進入了六月底的行前集訓,每個團員都必須準備各自負責的教材和教案,並且用英語進行試教,不斷地練習、記憶、修正,只為了有更好、更完善的教學內容。而在集訓的時間當中,同時必須學習簡單日常對話的印尼語,不斷地背誦著你好(apa kabar)、謝謝(terima kasih)、不客氣(sama sama)、早安(selamat pagi)等等,於是,在七月五日的清晨四點鐘,從學校的志工服務中心出發,向桃園國際機場邁進,這意味著過去半年的付出沒有白費,但是,我仍舊懷著忐忑不安的心情,在多次轉機的等待當中,踏上炙熱的印尼國土。









Perhaps, under lots of impact, we all learn to think repeatedly, make self-examination, look for answers, and the most importantly knowing myself.

After back to Taiwan, the period of 30 days as volunteer in Indonesia has gradually become a beautiful dream. We are different people, speaking different languages, live in different environment, and everything seems so different.

Moreover, when the airplane ready to fly from Kuala Lumpur of Malaysia to Tao-Yuan international airport, I had already known that we all left Banda Aceh for sure. My mood deeply in heart was so complicated. Especially, I have return to Taiwan for a while time now, but when I look upon those days in July, I totally could say every detail things in Indonesia and totally had blank memory about Taiwan.

In this way, many things about Indonesia were not so clear; we all just listen from other people, like seniors. We constantly imagined about what kind of courses exactly the participants such as teacher and students were really wanted? What could we do? Under this uncertain situation about many unknowns in Indonesia, by the end of June, each member of E-Mate must be responsible for preparing the teaching materials, lesson plans and try to teach in English. During this period, we also need to learn some simple daily conversation in Indonesia, always reciting such as hello (apa kabar), thanks (terima kasih), you’re welcome (sama sama), good-morning (selamat pagi). Thus, at 4 o’clock in July 5th, from National Tsing Hua University, we started our volunteer journey which means we paid no vain in last six months and finally we could move on.

This year’s plan is a continuation of last year locations: Banda Aceh, Sabang, Takengon. The first stop, Banda Aceh, went through a strong disaster because tsunami in 2004, but still rebuilt a more creative with vitality city. It was our first time to have a really close interaction with the Indonesian; letting Muslim culture is no longer mysterious. They have fixed five times to pray in a day, and we often heard the sound of prayers and also can see prayer room everywhere. During the time, we learn to understand and respect each other’s different culture.

The second location, Sabang, a beautiful island, we hold our first workshop. For many members, teaching in front of lots of teachers is the first experience, and we students all worried about how to speak loudly in front of teachers. Then, we talked to ourselves that we just have some knowledge to share with. After several days, though teachers can’t know very well about talking in English, through smiles and greetings to shorten the distance between us.

The third location, Takengon, after eight hours by car, we finally arrived this simple and natural city town. In here, we took two workshops, one is lasting the goal of pushing the Ubuntu free software system; the other is try to record about the domestic Gayo culture and make a tourism guide to introduce Takengon.

Time went by; we all become a big family. However, it’s time to say good-bye, and the last night, we sang together in Chinese or Indonesia. We are not just a team or a group, we all thought we are a big family, and family will never say good-bye.

Being a international volunteer is not like taking a trip, nor having a travel, but telling us by heart in a modest and amiable way to let me know that we all have to respect, exchange, understand and reflection. Also, we all have to continually give and care with each other. After we experienced, we might give us a little affirm and knowing the answer about why I want to become a volunteer.

2 意見:

Iqbal Muhammad / 莫哈 said...

do a good work, speak a good word, and think a good thought

Iqbal Muhammad / 莫哈 said...

do a good work, speak a good word, and think a good thought